Monday, October 10, 2011

Blue Peruvian Opal

Blue Peruvian Opal is relatively rare and is only found in the Andes Mountains near San Patricio, Peru. Since 1000BC, the Peruvian opal has been used as stylish jewelry, adornments on clothing, decoration on vessels and rituals. This gemstone has been considered sacred by the people of Peru since pre-Hispanic time. Even until today, the local Quechua Indians are still treating the Peruvian opal with respect.

Blue Peruvian Opal is a gemstone that ranges in color from slightly blue to blue- green. Jewelers describe it as being the color of the Caribbean Ocean. Stones can have dark inclusions that look like fern plants. The color intensity of the stone can vary within a single specimen. They are vitreous to pearly in luster, and transparent to translucent. The fracture of the Blue Peruvian Opal is conchoidal, meaning they are brittle and have smooth, curved surfaces. The streak is white. 

This is the national stone of Peru and, unfortunately, in recent years dyed stones have been mass marketed by unreputable dealers as Blue Peruvian Opal. If the blue color is uneven you are probably looking at a dyed stone. Dyed stones are quite common and sell very cheaply at gem shows and on internet auctions.

Blue Peruvian Opal ranges between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
Blue Peruvian Opal is quartz with trapped water and prized for its amazing color. It is referred to as Gem Silica, Andean Opal or Jelly Opal because of its jelly-like appearance.

Blue Peruvian Opal is a sedimentary stone formed at low temperature from igneous rock with high silica content. The composition is mostly silicon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The formula is SiO2•n(H2O). The stones are not radioactive. The specific gravity is 2.10 gm/cc. The water content of Blue Peruvian Opal can be very high, with ranges from 3 to 20 percent. The silica in the stone is amorphous, or non-crystalline. The high water content makes Blue Peruvian Opal very delicate and prone to heat damage. Heat can cause the stones to loose luster or crack.

Luster: Vitreous to pearly.
Transparency: Transparent to translucent.
Fracture: Conchoidal.
Streak: White.

Along with Tourmaline, Opals are a birthstone for October. Ancient Greek cultures believed the Opal guarded them from disease. Unlike other stones, Blue Peruvian Opals can be cleaned with just warm, soapy water. Owner Warning! Because Blue Peruvian Opals are basically "wet" rocks with water trapped in their crystal structure (as are all Opals), protect your gemstone from chemicals, heat, and sun exposure.

This stone has soft relaxing energies, and lore tells us that it has the ability to remove the tension from any communication to help ideas to flow freely. It is told to soften the impact of stress from the outside world, helping one to release the trauma of old wounds, facilitating facing the future with a tranquil self healing nature. It is good for quieting the mind and helpful in aiding sleep.
Blue Peruvian Opal is an emotional soother that helps to realign one to their spiritual purpose. It is useful when past life experiences are affecting the present life, these can be healed through the etheric blueprint.
The Blue Peruvian Opal has soft relaxing energies. Legend says that it takes the tension out of communication and helps ideas flow freely. It softens the impact of stress from the outside world and can help one to release the trauma of old wounds. It facilitates facing the future with a tranquil healing nature.

This stone is reported to be good for quieting the mind and as an aid to sleep.

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