Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other. Moonstone is a highly valued gemstone for these reasons:
  • Brings good fortune
  • Assists in foretelling the future
  • Enhances intuition
  • Promotes inspiration
  • Brings success in love as well as business matters
  • Offers protection on land and at sea
The moonstone is associated with the moon and was the stone of the goddess Diana. The most powerful time to use the moonstone is in a full moon.  Romans believed the stone formed from moonlight. Ancient Hindu beliefs said that moonstone formed from tiny parts of moonbeams. Arabian women, in tune with the feminine and fertile aspects of moonstone, would sew moonstone into their robes to be blessed with many children.

It has been worn as an amulet to bring good emotions to the wearer, while protecting those of a sensitive nature. It can reunite lovers who have quarreled.  Moonstone is also considered a good luck stone.

Moonstone is a very personal stone. It is a reflection of the person who owns it. It does not add or detract, only shows how it is. This is why the moonstone is said to perceive that which "is". Moonstone is an excellent stone to use in meditation to understand oneself. Placing it in the moonlight of a moon reaching its fullness, not a full or waning moon, can revitalize it. This is a particularly good gemstone for women. It is a good stone for young women or teenagers.

Moonstone is reputed to be the “traveler’s stone” and may be carried to bring good fortune. I always carry one in my pocket while traveling or wear one as a pendant. It’s also good for stimulating “new beginnings” and for hoping, wishing – to determine one’s needs instead of wants. 

Moonstone is used by healers to stimulate the functioning of the pineal gland and balance internal hormone cycles with nature's rhythms. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman's stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.


One of the alternative birthstones for the month of June and associated with the astrological signs of Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio, Moonstone is also linked with all the water-signs as it is a stone of comfort and representative of the Goddess. It is associated with lunar energy and is a great stone for women, especially useful for feminine cycles, and is useful for all rhythms of the body. It enhances flexibility and flow in life, easing stress and anxiety for both men and women and it has a balancing effect, especially on emotions and female hormones. Women may find moonstone helpful during the menstrual cycle, especially to ease discomfort and promote regulation. It can be carried, worn, or placed in the pillowcase while sleeping. Men find it useful in connecting with the emotional side of their personality.  It is a stone of feeling, especially love.

Moonstone is a variety of orthoclase feldspar called Adularia, named for a locality in the Adula Mountains in Switzerland. The word Orthoclase is of Greek origin: orthos meaning “upright” and klasis meaning “fracture” describing the nature of the stone. Moonstone’s soft-looking, pearly sheen, referred to as Adularescence, is caused by light reflecting internally due to thin layer inclusions. The stones can be colorless, white or ivory, slivery-gray or bluish in color. Some specimens have a “layered” appearance while others are translucent, but all will have the distinguishing luster that gives the stone its common name. Some will even have rainbow effects. It is found in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Australia, Brazil and the U.S.A.

Moonstone is the most well-known gemstone of the feldspar group. Named for its glowing color sheen that resembles the moonlight, Moonstone can belong to several different members of the feldspar group, especially Orthoclase and Oligoclase. Moonstone displays a unique play of color known as adularescence. This effect is in the form of a moving floating light or sheen. This phenomenon is caused by structural anomalies within the crystal formation.  

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